Deprecated plugins
If you want to use one of these plugins with the latest version of nopCommerce, please contact us.
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nopCommerce "I made it" Plugin
“I made it” is a tool for your a multilingual environment, which allows the users to put online existing things they have done on their side with your downloadable products.
nopCommerce (free /shareware/paid) downloads&Geolocation product filtering Plugin
This plugin adds two features: 1. Out of the box, nopCommerce can handle downloads of digital products. This plugin will allow the downloading of several types of downloadable products base on their tariff modality (free / shareware / paid). 2. Geolocation filtering
nopCommerce Advance ProductReview plugin
It's the writing and reading comment tools for a multilingual environment(Google Translate functionality was added). Plus,added report inappropriate content’s functionality, reading, scoring and writing comments functionality at the bottom of each product page (unless otherwise indicated in the product’s administration page).
nopCommerce Analytic Plugin
The product analytic tools display pictograms and instant counters allowing users to track product statistics. The elements: 1. Analytic widgets (Likes, Downloads, Views, Comments) 2. Plugin configuration interface
nopCommerce Azure Blob Storage/CDN plugin
SQL Azure quickly becomes inefficient (in term of speed and price) if you store your products/pictures in SQL Azure The Azure Blob Storage plugin eliminates this issue and permit the upload, the download and the deletion of a "downloadable" product/pictures stored in the Azure Blog Storage/CDN.
nopCommerce Collection Plugin
A "collection" is a group of products searchable in a page. An identified user can reference products.
Allow collections management (creation, edition, deletion)
Establish a multilingual management for specific texts written by the users (asynchronous calls to the Google Translate web service)
Create displaying interfaces (page and widget)
Create the plugin configuration interface
nopCommerce MyShop Downloadable product management Plugin
Out of the box, nopCommerce can manage suppliers and handle downloads of digital
This plugin allows users to became a "manufacturer" after filling in “manufacturer page”, upload and manage their products from MyAccount section of the site.
- Duplicate and specialize creation manufacturers’ interface
- Create an activity report for manufacturers
- Create a moderation interface
- Duplicate and specialize the interface for creating products
nopCommerce TerritoryCountry Affiliate(Dealer) plugin
The standard NopCommerce functionality is: Once a customer is assigned an affiliate ID, every order placed also tagged with that ID. The TerritoryCountry Affiliate (Dealer) plugin changes standard functionality and tagged every order with Affiliate ID which the system finds in the Affiliates table based on Shipping Address TerrytoryCountry info of a customer.