nopCommerce Dynamic SL plugin

Project Description

Client's background:

Southern Cross Ceramics is an Australian-made and owned company. They design and manufacture an extensive range of tiles in our Melbourne plant.


In the schematic, Dev Partner had to wrote the (green) solution to push (or pull) data to (or from) the nopCommerce tables into CatalinaAPI(for DynamicSL) and synchronization tables.


DevPartner Team provide schematic with Sync plugin to upload data to nopCommerce and developed a connector based on Sync plugin to save

  • SOHeader – this contains the sales order header information such as customer, shipping details financial totals.
  • SOLine – This contains the sales order lines.   Product ID, pricing

Project Details


С#, .net Core, Migration Framework, Linq2SQL, Swagger


nopCommerce, Microsoft Dynamic SL


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