nopCommerce ERP Integration Plugin

Project Description

This plugin includes the following:

  • The scheduled task used for synchronization of products catalog in the Nop system with ERP sytem
  • The conditions are used for comparing product count with available product count in the ERP system. If the product count is less than necessary count – a customer will see the warning message and this message will be send to the administrator of the site. If product count in ERP and Nop is not equal then the plugin will synchronize catalogs. These conditions are used during checking procedures when the user adds products to the shopping cart and during the payment order process.
  • synchronization of order status between ERP system and Nop system
  • Security
    1. Asymmetric encoding is used for cording all requests between ERP and Nop. The NopCommerce plug-in and the web service have two pairs of public and private keys for encoding of outgoing and decoding of incoming requests.
    2. Each request between ERP and Nop contains the encrypted token. The nopCommerce plugin or a web service decrypts a token and compares it with a standard one and if they are the same, it will decrypt other parameters.

Project Details


October 2013


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