nopCommerce Sync - Release 2.2(from version 4.1) - 2019-11-13
nopCommerce Sync - Release 2.2(from version 4.1) - 2019-11-13
- 4:00:00 PM
- Tuesday, November 12, 2019
- UPDATED: Added support Nop 4.10.
- Added EF support for DTO. You can use Data annotation for your DTOs and other entity framework features
- New: All settings moved pluginsettings.json. mapping also moved to pluginsettings.json file. It’s easier to move settings/tasks from QA and Prod and vice-versa
- Refactoring: Table names for DTOs. All tables have prefix DP_Sync_
- Refactoring: Remove dependencies from CMS plugin
- Refactoring: Removed reflection methods so you will not need to remove nopTemplates plugin or any other 3d parties plugins with assemblies dependencies issues.
- Refactoring: Simplified DataSources, Export and Conversions classes and interfaces so it’s a bit earthier to extend this plugin.
- Refactoring: a lot of other changes