We have ERP developed by an Italian software house, I can have access to the data through sql queries in order to avoid generating XML files.
How are images can be synchronized with nopCommerce Sync plugin?
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- How are images synchronized with nopCommerce?
How are images synchronized with nopCommerce?
Daniele wrote:
Images should be on the server or available by http/s. Your application pool user should have read access to those files.
We support the following Path formats:
1. absolute path - C:\Users\DeLL\source\repos\nop42\Presentation\Nop.Web\wwwroot\images\thumbs\0000005_electronics.jpeg
2. relative path - ~/wwwroot/images/thumbs/0000005_electronics.jpeg
3. web path - https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-silhouette-a-man-sitting-relaxing-under-full-moon-at-night-with-stars-on-the-sky-519411058.jpg
How are images can be synchronized with nopCommerce Sync plugin?
Hi, thank you for your question. Images should be on the server or available by http/s. Your application pool user should have read access to those files.
We support the following Path formats:
1. absolute path - C:\Users\DeLL\source\repos\nop42\Presentation\Nop.Web\wwwroot\images\thumbs\0000005_electronics.jpeg
2. relative path - ~/wwwroot/images/thumbs/0000005_electronics.jpeg
3. web path - https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-silhouette-a-man-sitting-relaxing-under-full-moon-at-night-with-stars-on-the-sky-519411058.jpg
Can You please provide example (xml and pluginsettings.json) for importing pictures / productpictures. We tried to accomplish that but without success.
Can You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.
Can You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.
Josip wrote:
Please copy this task to your configuration task(probable you already have it
As you can see we use Picture Conversion(\DevPartner.Nop.Plugin.Sync\Services\Conversions\PictureConversion.cs) here to upload pictures to nopCommerce.
Conversions it's some sort of converters that transform values. For example, Picture conversion transform picture path(or URL) to nopCommerce PictureId
Can You please provide example (xml and pluginsettings.json) for importing pictures / productpictures. We tried to accomplish that but without success.
Can You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.
You should have an association product picture task and your schedule task. You will find the following example int [DevPartner.Sync]\pluginsettings.jsonCan You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.
Please copy this task to your configuration task(probable you already have it
As you can see we use Picture Conversion(\DevPartner.Nop.Plugin.Sync\Services\Conversions\PictureConversion.cs) here to upload pictures to nopCommerce.
Conversions it's some sort of converters that transform values. For example, Picture conversion transform picture path(or URL) to nopCommerce PictureId