nopCommerce procedures for import inventory (quantity) per warehouse, product attributes and specification attributes

  • Total Posts: 4


Do you have developed procedures for import inventory (quantity) per warehouse, product attributes and specification attributes?

It would be great if we can import inventory and prices in standalone task, that we can repeat.

  • Moderator
  • Total Posts: 85


Josip wrote:
Do you have developed procedures for import inventory (quantity) per warehouse?
Open - ~/Plugins/DevPartner.Sync/pluginsettings.json and find Import StockQuantity task

Josip wrote:
product attributes?
Open - ~/Plugins/DevPartner.Sync/pluginsettings.json and find product_attributes availability - "DataSource": "ProductAttribute" - "XmlFilePath": "~/Sync/Inc/product_attributes.xml"

Josip wrote:
specification attributes
Open - ~/Plugins/DevPartner.Sync/pluginsettings.json and find Import product specification attributes - "DataSource": "ProductSpecificationAttribute" - "XmlFilePath": "~/Sync/Inc/product_propertys.xml",

Josip wrote:
It would be great if we can import inventory and prices in standalone task, that we can repeat.
Open - ~/Plugins/DevPartner.Sync/pluginsettings.json and find Import product_price import - "DataSource": "ProductSpecificationAttribute" - "XmlFilePath": "~/Sync/Full/pictures.xml"

Please open /Admin/ScheduleTask/List, enable "DevPartner Sync: Sync schedule task" to repeat import tasks